It’s true. I’m pregnant. This was a pretty big shock for me. I was in denial for the few weeks. Even after I went to the doctor for the first time I was in denial. I kinda felt bad because I really didn’t want to be pregnant. I felt like a horrible person. I felt like Joe was really excited but didn’t want to show it because I was not. This was just not in our plans at all! Not for a few more years! But once I saw that little alien I was in love. Every time I look at my ultrasound I just smile. So needless to say, I’m excited now!! We are both excited now.
I had this small feeling that I could be pregnant. My boobs starting hurting, not bad but I could notice it. So I took out my handy period app, since sometimes a day or two before I start my period my boobs will hurt. It said I still had 5 days until I was supposed to start. That was a little weird for me. It didn’t help that my co-worker kept teasing me saying I was pregnant and she was excited so we could be pregnant together! Well, I waited a few days. Then that’s all I could think about. I was telling myself that I wasn’t! So, to take my mind off of it and to give me peace of mind (so I thought) I took a test. I’m glad they come in packs of three. We already had one since around Christmas time last year I kept getting sick after I ate anything. So we got some just to see. It was negative (obviously) but it left me with two more. So I took it and sat there as two little pink lines showed up. Very bright pink lines might I add. None of this, well I think there’s a line there. It was bright pink. My heart starting pounding and I started shaking. So after a few minutes I went into the living room. Joe was sleeping out the couch. He woke up to me standing there with my mouth wide open. He looked at me and said “are you going to sneeze?” I said “NO!”, showed him the test, then ran into the bed room crying. I could hear him look at the instructions in the box and told me that I was going to take the last time. But I told him I would just take it in the morning. And same thing, two bright pink lines!
So far my pregnancy has gone pretty smooth. Not much morning sickness at all. I’ve gotten sick a few times, by gotten sick I mean lost my lunch. Even then I wasn’t nauseas at all. The only food that made me sick was sushi. Funny thing, I don’t eat sushi. But my pregnant co-worker was in her sushi kick. And watching her eat it, made me want to barf. Other than that, I can eat anything. Up until about 11 weeks all I wanted to do was eat. And in the first few weeks, if I started not to feel good I would eat and then I was fine. Then all of a sudden I wasn’t hungry at all!! Now at 18 weeks, all I want to do is eat, again!!!
Oh, also I got another job! I still work as an FOC at Physical Therapy of Idaho. But they therapists works 4 tens. So Tuesday is their day off. I was working on Tuesdays to man the phones and the walk ins but I was getting so bored I wanted to stab myself in the eye. And it was really making me not like my job. And I LOVE my job. So I started looking for a Tuesday job. Or like a Tuesday/Thursday job. Well, my sister had sent me an e-mail with an MA position for only Tuesday s!! I e-mailed them my resume a few days later I had an interview and about two weeks after that, they offered me the job!! So now I get to do my MA thing on Tuesdays. I really missed drawing blood. And I still got it!! Lots of people keep telling me that it was the best blood draw they have had in a long time. Couldn’t even feel me poke them I never get tired of hearing how awesome I am!! Haha
Also, being 25 isn’t so bad...I guess…haha
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