Happily Ever After, was only the beginning

Monday, February 16, 2009

No, I'm from Boise.

Ok, so this is Joe typing. While we were in Vegas, we went to an IHOP, which happened to be the smallest restaraunt I have ever seen, but thats not the point of this story. Our Waiter didn't exactly seem like he had been doing his job for more than a week, but being as passive as we are, that didn't bother us much. As we were paying, Caitlin went to the bathroom and I waited for our waiter to get off the phone so I could pay. He got off the phone and asked how our meal was. I told him good, and he said "Oh, I forgot to ask you, where are you from?" I simply replied "Boise". Before I could finish saying that 5 letter word, he replied, while pointing at my Ireland shirt, "Oh, Ireland I see that." I kind of just looked around in awkwardness, not sure if he was serious. Then he said, "It's a beautiful place, isn't it?" I just said "yup...". Well he gave me my change and said, " Enjoy your stay in America." I could only reply with a simple "thanks". Luckily Caitlin came out and we could go before it got more awkward.

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