So life at our house has been a little crazy lately. Sometimes I feel like my brain might explode! As some of you may know, I have started school. Only about four years in the making. I had decided to go to school for Medical Assisting at Apollo. I have heard some horror stories about them over the years but so far its been good. One thing that has taken me so long to start school was I couldn't decided what I wanted to go for. I knew it would be in the medical field but I kept going back and forth. I have always wanted to be a nurse but the schooling scares me. And I really didn't want to be in school that long. So I went back and forth between dental and medical assisting. Finally, I just jumped on it. Medical Assisting always stood out more. So I signed up and wouldn't let myself be talked out of it! The only thing about medical assisting that really scared me was I didn't think I could draw peoples blood. I thought I wouldn't be able to do it. Turns out, my second week, we where learning about blood....and how to draw it. So on my second week of school we started drawing blood. I was shaking and sweating and pretty much freaking out. Well my turn came, my first stick I got the vein! Drew the blood and now I LOVE IT!! I want to get my licence so I can be a professional Vampire! I seriously cant get enough of it. And I'm pretty good at it if i do say so myself. We practice on each other so for the past few weeks I have been looking like I'm on drugs. Then I bruise so it looks like Joe is beating me. Its been fun.
Haha! Oh yea also on our first day of blood drawing, I got poked and the first person got blood (witch is surprising cuz my veins suck! I have had about 12 sticks and only two people have gotten blood!!!) then we moved on and someone was trying on my other arm. He missed. So he was trying again, well he needed help finding my vein, so one of our teachers came by to help. She tied the tourniquet and it was soooo tight I started to fell a little funny. So I said umm I don't feel good. So she untied it. I closed my eyes and started to breath in deeply. Next thing i know I was on the floor and everyone was around me, someone was holding up my legs, someone had their hand under my head and my teacher was taking me blood pressure. Yea, I passed out!! I had never passed out before. It was weird. The plus side is, now everyone knows my name. Haha.
Also making things crazy is my stupid job that I hate. So yes, I'm still at Directv. I go to school Monday-Thursday 7:45-12:30 and I work Saturday-Wednesday 2:30-7:30. I still haven't adjusted to school and work and trying to balance everything. I hope it comes to me soon. That also leaves only one day where I do nothing. Thats Friday. At least I get one day!!
Also something that has made our house a little crazy is the fact that Joseph found three little tiny one or two week old KITTENS! Down at Boise they have a lot of stray cats running around and they keep producing. So he decided to bring these little ones home so they don't keep growing in numbers down there. We have had to feed bottle feed them. Even had to make them go to the bath room! Now they are eating solid food and can pretty much go to the bathroom by themselves. Its getting annoying finding poop all over the floor but they are getting better about using the litter box. The plan was to get ride of two of them and keep one....I don't know how we are going to part with them though!!!